Testing changes locally

You can test the changes locally by using a local installation of Ruby and Jekyll.

Running Ruby/Jekyll on Windows

To run the Tech2wiki locally on you Windows (virtual) machine additional software is required



Creating a local Jekyll instance

  • Download the Ruby+Devkit 2.7.x (x64)
  • Run the setup using the default values
  • Have the installer run the ridk install, as per default installation
  • Press Enter to use the default
  • Start a new cmd.exe to ensure that the environment variables are freshly loaded.
  • start gem install jekyll bundler on the command line interface

Starting a local copy of the website

Start cmd.exe

Navigate in the command line to the cloned copy of the Tech2Wiki repository

cd c:\development\tech2wiki.com

Start the Jekyll in webserver mode

bundler exec jekyll serve

When hitting a GemNotFound error please run the bundler update

Start a web browser for

You can easily modify the website by changing the markdown files prior to uploading it to your GitHub repository.

Note: It may take some seconds before the changes are visible in your local instance of the website.

Running Ruby/Jekyll on Linux

To run the Tech2wiki locally on your Linux (virtual) machine additional software is required.

[insert instructions]

Running Ruby/Jekyll on MacOS

To run the Tech2wiki locally on your MacOS (virtual) machine additional software is required.

[insert instructions]